- Actions on multiple pages at once
- Add a SharePoint (Stream) video to a Prewise Learning course
- Adding a page heading and content
- Adding an image to a page and image settings
- Adding courses as favorites
- Adding page components
- Archived pages and activating/deleting them
- Archiving a course
- Comment tool
- Composer’s main views
- Course search functions
- Course settings and saving course templates
- Creating a new course
- Creating a new page
- Creating a quiz
- Custom page layout
- Duplicating a course
- Exporting and publishing courses
- Gimlet Composer import
- Importing localized XLIFF files
- Navigating pages
- Page settings and preview
- Preview
- Sending preview invitations
- Switching between courses
- The page structure of the course and how to arrange it by dragging
- Viewing the course list