Start by adding or updating your company's strategy, strategic targets and strategic competences on Trilliant in the Admin section, under the Strategy & development periods tab. Once the strategic targets and competences are up to date, you are ready to start creating a new development period and launch development discussions.
First, assign the desired length to the development periods of your company and decide how many periods per year you would like to have. We recommend having 2-4 periods per year. Each period starts with a development discussion.
For each development period, define the strategic targets to focus on during the period, and the related strategic competences. Teams and individuals will use these when setting their own targets for the period
Start creating a new period by clicking on Add new period under Development periods. Fill in the form and save. The saved period will appear under the title Ongoing period. If necessary, you can edit the development period information by clicking the pencil icon. Once you are ready, click on Start period to start the development period.
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